FLEX LIGHT is a kind of electrical device. Produced by Print electronics method, which is considered one of the modern methods of producing electronic products. Including using raw materials, which are special types of ink that can be printed.
The printing process is carried out in a standardized and organized control room. The flex light sheets produced are QA checked for light luminance, encapsulation efficiency or moisture resistance. Including the power consumption rate which must be within the specified standards.
Electroluminescent (EL)
or Flex light
is a flexible sheet coated with EL material which is an optical phenomenon and electrical phenomenon in which a material emits light in response to the passage of an electric current or to a strong electric field.
Flex Light?
Flex Light?
Life Time
Lightweight and Thin shape
Can be applied to a flat or curved surface
Various Shapes
Produced in flat sheets or various shapes
Works in all sorts of environment and temperature
Low power consumption
Consumes less electricity
What is
Flex Light?
Flex Light?